What's Happening (9/26-9/30)

*If this image is a little fuzzy, I recommend clicking the image so it will enlarge*

Parent Night

I placed on our Google Calendar (I know are't you sick of me constantly saying that haha) awhile back, but I wanted to bring it your attention in case you forgot.
Parent night is 9/27 from 6:00-7:00. This night is only for parents, and is a chance for me answer any questions you may have about 3rd grade routines. I will also be sharing tips for a successful 3rd grade year!

Need a Tutor for Your Child?

9/19 I sent an email out regarding FREE tutoring for your child. If you would like more information about that, you can click {HERE} or the link below:

Dress Up Days!

Don't ever miss a dress up day! Earlier this week, I sent home a print out that had all of our dress up days for the year! It should have been in your child's PAWS folder. If they lost it, I am providing a PDF copy (it is ALSO on the you guessed it...GOOGLE CALENDAR! ha)
Here is the link:

Secret Code! 

Thanks for sticking to the end!
The code is:
What does your child want to be when they grow up?

Have them write the answer down (along with their name) on a piece of paper and I will give them $5 to spend in their class store! 

Thank you for your continued support and willingness to read what is happening in your child's classroom! :)


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