What's Happening 12/12-12/16


Drama, multiple meaning words, and homographs


Comma rules 


Relationships between multiplication and division
Solve one and two-step problems involving multiplication and division (including addition and subtraction). 


Natural Resources

Social Studies:

Healthy Communities
Jonas Salk and Louis Pasteur

Holiday Party!

It’s almost time for our Holiday Party!  It is going to be a fun event. We will be having our party on December 21 from 8:30-10 am in the cafeteria. We will have 6 stations that the classes will rotate through, which will include a snack, two crafts and 3 games. We would love to have you there to enjoy the fun and to help your students do their activities at each station!

We also have created a Sign Up Genius list of supplies that we are needing for the party. If you are able to donate something to our party, please click the link below and sign up! Supplies can be brought to our classroom or the office.

Have a wonderful weekend! 



What's Happening 12/5-12/9

Happy Friday!

There are a lot of important dates coming up. Next week the Peppermint Shop will be open for students to purchase gifts for their families. Please see the flyer that was sent home today to see when your child is allowed to shop.

Here is what we are learning next week:

Reading/Language Arts/ Writing

We have learned the structure of poetry and how to classify poems. Next week, we will be analyzing poetry. We will be looking at poetry in multiple choice formats. This can get a little boring, so I will simulate a game show with the kids next week to pump them up! I hope they will enjoy this lesson! :)

Language Arts:
Similes and Metaphors 
Click {HERE} to see the definitions. 
Home Activity: 
  1. Ask your child to create some similes and metaphors
  2. Try to use more similes and metaphors in your daily language to see if they catch it! 
The kids will write poems that convey sensory details using the conventions of poetry. 


Determine the quotient using the relationship between multiplication and division

Solve 1 and 2 step word problems involving multiplication and division


Characteristics of land forms

 Social Studies

The History of Transportation
Henry Ford 

Secret Code:

What is your child's favorite movie? 

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