In the link below you will find the Midway High School National Honor Society members for 2016-17.
To maintain active membership, NHS members must complete twenty hours of community service, four of which must be tutoring.
If you would like to capitalize on this offer, please use the link provided below.
You may contact any of the NHS members on the list to set up tutoring times. Most NHS members keep hectic schedules, so you may need to call three or four people from the list until they find someone who is available.
The subjects checked by the students are those courses for which they are comfortable tutoring at the high school level.
They should be able to tutor any subject at the middle school level or below.
Tutoring hours are a part of their community service and therefore they should not receive payment.
Please understand that a NHS member may not feel comfortable going to a stranger’s house, so the parents of students needing tutoring should be willing to meet the tutor at a neutral site such as Starbucks, etc.
Please make arrangements directly with the NHS members.
This arrangement is between you and the NHS member. Please understand that the NHS member is not responsible for finding curriculum for your child. You will provide what you would like to help them with yourself. Google has tons of worksheets and ideas for you to pull for the tutoring!
To access the numbers click the link below:
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