I cannot believe that we are about to begin our SECOND week of 3rd grade! Lot's of fun and fundamental skills will take place this coming week. Here's what's happening:
Tweets by CCEcalderon
If you would like some ideas to help your child with this math skill at home,
check out the "Home Activities" tab on this website! :)
Homework begin this week.
Homework is given to the kids on a Monday and due the FOLLOWING Monday.
Unless there is no school on Monday, they will receive their homework on a Tuesday but it is STILL due the following Monday.
A yellow take home folder (PAWS folder). Will serve as a communication tool for you and me. Assignments not for a grade will go home daily (unless it is an activity on the iPad). Graded papers will be sent home on Friday's. Please ensure you are checking this folder so you may review and empty its contents.
Place lunch money in an envelope in the zipper pouch.
Envelope must include the child's first and last name, grade, and teacher name.
If you have a handwritten note that you need to give me, please place the note in the front pocket of the yellow PAWS folder.
I have been posting what our class has been learning to our {Class Twitter} page.
Please sign up and show your child that you are taking an interest in their learning! I try my hardest to give you a peak into the classroom in hopes this will help you have great conversation starters when discussing school with your child.
Want to see what's happening but don't want to create an account?
Click {HERE} or the Twitter tab at the top of this page.
Tweets by CCEcalderon
If you read this blog post, have your child write down their favorite color on a piece of paper and I will give them $5 to spend in our class store!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!
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