What's Happening 2/20 - 02/25

Happy Friday! 

Dear Parents,

This year we're going to use a new tool to share what we're learning in class called Seesaw. Your child will have his or her own learning journal, and you can get notified when your child adds new items. It's completely private -- only you can see your child's journal outside of class.

Click on https://app.seesaw.me/s/763-187-856 to sign up -- it takes just 30 seconds.

Once you sign up, you can download the Seesaw Parent app for iPhone or Android, or access your child's journal on the web.


P.S. If you have more than one child using Seesaw, or want to add a new class/school year for your child, follow the link in this email, then click 'Sign in' tab at the top. You do not need to create a new account.

Thursday, February 23rd will be our reading STAAR Simultation. 
I definitely do not want the kids to stress about this. My only wish is that they get a good night's sleep the week before and eat breakfast in the morning. We will be using their data to determine what gaps they need help with, or how how we can extend their learning. 

There are a lot of important dates coming up. A month ago, the librarian passed out a read to succeed reading log. They are due next week (check the calendar), to receive a free 6 flags ticket. 

Here is what we are learning next week:

Reading/Language Arts/ Writing

Review Nonfiction text: Main idea and Details 

Language Arts:
Home Activity: 

1. Have your child create sentences using adverbs. 
2. Try to use different adverbs and ask your child if they caught it

Kids are on week 3 of research. They are researching the planets and will create a presentation due the 25th.


2nd week of equivalent fractions. Quiz is on the 25th. 
**Represent fractions with denominators of 2,3,4,6, and 8 using a variety of objects and pictorial models, including number lines.
**Explain that two fractions are equivalent if and only if they are both represented by the same point on the number line or represent the same portion of a same size whole for an area model.  


Construct models that demonstrate the relationship between the sun, earth, and moon, including orbits, and positions. 

Identify the planets in Earth's solar system and their position in relation to the sun. 

 Social Studies

Communities and Change
Todd Beamer 



What's Happening 02/06-02/10

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner! In each third grade classroom we will have a small, low-key Valentine celebration. If you would like to help provide supplies for the day, please click on the link below to sign up. Thank you in advance!

Please allow your child to decorate a valentine's day box or bag at home. Any child that does not have a bag on February 14th, will receive a paper sack from me so they are not left out! 

Students will need a card to give to each of their classmates. These cards can be handmade or store bought and should be brought to school no later than the morning of Tuesday, February 14th.  Please use the class list below to make sure you have a card for everyone!

Devin Zettlemoyer
Marcus Morgan
Daniel Carillo-Valadez
Tyler Pruitt
Daunte Stoglin
Jude Garcia
Tristen Teakell
Aragon Kvocka
V'Angelo Gutierrez 

Valerie Owens
Kaelyn Morgan
Trinh Ho
Layleanna Grey
Aubrey Ramirez
Luci Lopez
Zoha Asad
Londynn Grimes

Here is what we are learning next week:

Comparing fractions
fractions on a number line
distance from zero on a number line

Reviewing nonfiction text 

Students ask open ended research questions and develop a plan for answering them. 

identify the planets in Earth's solar system and their position in relation to the sun

Social Studies:
Juliette Gordon Lowe
Communities and recreation 


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