Drama, multiple meaning words, and homographs
Comma rules
Relationships between multiplication and division
Solve one and two-step problems involving multiplication and division (including addition and subtraction).
Natural Resources
Social Studies:
Healthy Communities
Jonas Salk and Louis Pasteur
Holiday Party!
It’s almost time for our Holiday Party! It is going to
be a fun event. We will be having our party on December 21 from 8:30-10 am in
the cafeteria. We will have 6 stations that the classes will rotate through,
which will include a snack, two crafts and 3 games. We would love to have you
there to enjoy the fun and to help your students do their activities at each
We also have created a Sign Up Genius list of supplies that
we are needing for the party. If you are able to donate something to our party,
please click the link below and sign up! Supplies can be brought to our
classroom or the office.