What's Happening 11/14 and 11/28

Hey Families!

I apologize for not sending the newsletter out to you this week. I had a training  during the mornings of Monday, Tuesday, AND Wednesday. Preparing for a sub take a lot of prep, so three days out took a lot of my time! Thank you for giving me a little Grace this week :)

Here is what we are learning when we get back from Thanksgiving Break!


11.14 We started poetry. We read poems from different books and described how it made us feel. We focused on stanzas, line breaks, line numbers, and rhyming words. We also focused on repeating words and how those repeated words change the poem. 

11.28 We will be focusing on classifying the poems. There are three types of poems: humorous, lyrical, and narrative. These poems can either be free verse or rhyming. The kids will hopefully master how to determine whether the poem is free verse or narrative, and then place the poem into the category of humorous, lyrical, or narrative.

Here is a video that I found that explains it. Just note that in Texas, we teach that Free Verse can be any of the three types:
Watch the video: HERE


11.14 We wrapped up area of rectangles. We will go back and extend our learning of area later in the year, but this past week focused just on rectangles. We use area = length times with. Sometimes the questions give us just the area and we have to use our knowledge of multiplication to determine which two factors could equal the area. Sometimes we are given the are and one side of a shape. 

11.28. We will introduce division. The kids will explore how division is taking a whole, and separating the whole into equal parts. They will also understand the different ways that division can be represented in picture form. 
To see an example: CLICK HERE

Math Skip Counting Songs!

We begin every math block singing our multiplication facts to popular tunes. The kids just love it because it is one big dance party. I am providing the link in case your child wants to show you. They have learned 3's. 4's, 6's, and will be starting 8's when we get back :) 


Formation of Soil 
Rapid Changes 

Social Studies:

Communities and Education
Bill Gates
The kids will create a movie about Bill Gates that shares his accomplishments. 

Book Fair!

Check out the Google Calendar for more important dates! 

Secret Code:

What is your child's favorite item to eat on Thanksgiving? 
OR What was one thing your child did over Thanksgiving Break? 



What's Happening 11/7

This week is the end of the 6 weeks! We are wrapping up our learning so we can begin new content next week :) 


Drawing Conclusions


Wrapping up expository text.
Subject and Predicate


2nd week of representing multiplication problems

We are learning how to skip count to popular pop songs. Here is the song we learned last week to practice the 3's:

To see how we are learning this, refer back to last week's newsletter.


Force and Motion

Important Dates:

We have some important dates this week. Click the Google Calendar at the top of this website to see what is happening at school. 

Secret Newsletter:

Have your child count by 3's to the song provided in the math section. 

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