Happy Halloween!
I would love to see some fun costumes! Please email me a picture so I can share with the class :)
Cause and Effect
Here is a good explanation: CLICK HERE
The cause is the WHY, the effect is the WHAT.
We will be searching for cause and effect in non-fiction texts.
Conjunctions: CLICK HERE
Wrapping up our expository story. Once the kids finish, they will be working on creative writing till the end of the 6 week (next Friday).
EEK! This is my favorite favorite favorite!
This week we are discussing how there are many different ways to represent a multiplication problem. This will help the kids later if they forget a fact and need to problem solve to find the answer.
The different ways include:
Equal Groups
Repeated Addition
Skip Count
Number Line
Area Model
To see example of this click HERE
Parent Help: Give your child a multiplication sentence and ask them to represent it using one of the ways above! Make it interesting by using beans and pipe cleaners.
Learn to skip count with songs!
Here is one I found for the tricky 7's!
More skip counting songs:
Science/Social Studies
Ruby Bridges
Secret Code:
Does your child like chocolate or sour candy more?